Núcleo Interativo de Astronomia e Inovação em Educação

Innovating in Education for a Better Future


Certified teacher training courses addressing cutting-edge methodologies and tools.



Active participation in relevant international institutions and projects in the field of education and development.


Outreach and non-formal education activities, because scientific literacy is essential for understanding our role in the future of our planet.


Participation in projects for development, because education is the key to personal, social, and economic development.

NUCLIO coordinates several international initiatives

Visit the websites

Galileo Teacher Training Program
Global Hands-on Universe
Portuguese Language Office of Astronomy for Development


GHOU 2024 Conference

GHOU 2024

Date: 23-27 September 2024
Venue: Online

In 2024, the GHOU Conference will take place online, allowing participants from all over the world to enjoy this event. Join us and become part of a global network with one common goal: to bring Science Education to a new level

AEACI 2024 - Banner

Astronomy Education Adventure in the Canary Islands 2024

Date: 22-26 July 2024 (July 27 optional)
Venue: San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain – hybrid format

Celebrate with us the 10th anniversary of the course Astronomy Education Adventure in the Canary Islands: “Explore the Universe With Us” .

COSPAR - 45th Scientific Assembly


Date: 13-21 July 2024
Venue: Busan, South Korea

Join the COSPAR Panel on Education at the upcoming COSPAR Assembly.
To teachers from all grade levels and subject domains who are ready to embark on a real interdisciplinary experience.

Science on Stage Portugal 2023 – Get to know the projects heading to Finland

Science On Stage Portugal 2023 has come to an end! Find out more about the event and which projects have been selected for SonS 2024 in Turku, Finland.

O projeto Design-CT

The Design-CT Project Successfully Concludes, Leaving a Legacy of Innovative Digital Educational Tools

The Design-CT Erasmus+ project, aimed at addressing the challenges of digitalization in school education, has successfully concluded in July of this year.

NUCLIO signs a protocol with the Portuguese National Council of Education within the framework of the DICA project

It was with great honour that NUCLIO signed a collaboration protocol with the Portuguese CNE, within the scope of the DICA project (Disseminate, Innovate, Collaborate, Learn).

inSTEAM: an example of good practices of Erasmus+ projects

The inSTEAM project has been selected as an example of good practices of Erasmus+ projects by the Spanish webpage SEPIE, the portal of the Spanish Service for the internationalization of Education!

Formação NUCLIO - Teacher Training


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Sun Eclipse

2024 Total Solar Eclipse: Through the Eyes of NASA

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Image of the Nube galaxy through different telescopes. Credit: SDSS/GTC/IAC.

Nube, the almost invisible galaxy which challenges the dark matter model

A group of astrophysicists has discovered the largest and most diffuse galaxy recorded until now. This almost invisible galaxy challenges the currently accepted cosmological model, that of cold dark matter.

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Image shows a visualisation of the huge, glowing planetary body produced by a planetary collision. In the foreground, fragments of ice and rock fly away from the collision and will later cross in between Earth and the host star which is seen in the background of the image. Credit: Mark Garlick.

Researchers capture first-ever afterglow of huge planetary collision in outer space

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Estrela invulgar que está destinada a tornar-se num dos objetos mais magnéticos do Universo. Créditos: NOIRLab/AURA/NSF/P. Marenfeld/M. Zamani.

Magnetars Origin Story

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