Funded by the European Union under grant agreement nº PT01-KA210-ADU-00029529V1.
Period: 2020-2023

This publication only reflects the author’s view and the European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
Innovation for Open Ecosystems (I4OE) is an Erasmus+ Programme 2021, Key Action 2: Small Scale Partnership Project, coordinated by NUCLIO, involving six partners from three different European countries: Greece, Norway and Portugal.
We envisioned this project as a means to answer the questions: how can we support community stakeholders to engage and collaborate effectively with schools in an open ecosystem? How can we support educators to work effectively with external stakeholders in an open school?
By reaching out to local policy-makers, business decision-makers, non-governmental organizations, and members of civil society organizations, among others, we aim to empower them to promote cooperation, participation, and democratic citizenship in a school context.
We seek to give special visibility to the importance of diversity, increasing the overall capacity for leadership and cooperation in the community, and having schools as allies. Civic engagement and participation are primary priorities to achieve these goals.
More information on the project website: