Global Hands-On Universe (GHOU) is an educational program that enables students to investigate the Universe while applying tools and concepts from science, math, and technology.
The Hands-On Universe (HOU) project began in 1994 in the USA, with Carl Pennypacker, astronomer at University of California Berkeley, sharing ideas on how to make astronomy education better, making real images from telescopes available to be studied by teachers and students in schools. These ideas resulted in the creation of image processing software tools, as well as cooperation between astronomers and observatories to provide telescopic instruments for use in schools.
Several years after that, people from every continent wanted to join this program, what led HOU to become global, giving rise to GHOU – Global Hands-On Universe, an association formed as a non-profit organization with partners worldwide.
GHOU’s main objective is to promote a deeper understanding, based on evidence, of our place in the Cosmos. Its mission is to train teachers on the use of modern tools and resources for science education and engage students in international scientific projects. GHOU also aims to promote interactive science projects among GHOU countries and engage educators and students in a truly global cooperation: no borders or frontiers.
This project has the support of the Galileo Teacher Training Program, coordinated worldwide by NUCLIO and one of the pillar projects of the International Year of Astronomy 2009.
More information on the GHOU website: