FIC.A – Festival Internacional de Ciência returned this year for another edition, which takes place between the 10th and 16th of October in a new venue, Hub-Act (Arte, Ciência & Tecnologia), futuro centro de incubação de indústrias criativas, em Porto Salvo.

The first edition of this festival, in 2021, had more than 34 thousand participants, of which about 15 thousand were students from visiting schools.

NUCLIO is once again present at this festival, this time with a stand of activities for all ages, a planetarium, and telescopes for observing the Sun and the night sky.

From Monday to Friday, during the day, we are receiving visits from schools, but from the night of the 14th of October, Friday, and during the weekend, the festival will receive the general public.

📍Come visit our space, located in Praça Teresa Lago, and try the different activities we have for all of you! que temos para todos!


➤ Planet in a Room

➤ Mars in 3D

➤ Games about space exploration

➤ The Solar System at scale

➤ Minecraft for teaching climate change

➤ And much more…

In collaboration with InovLabs we are also offering:

➤ A Click-Clack cardboard planetarium

➤ LEDs’ project performances – a project through which it is possible to learn digital skills through art and performance

➤ And we also have telescopes available for observing the Sun and the night sky (if atmospheric conditions allow).


Mars in 3D

Various Activities:

The Click-Clack planetarium:

LEDs’ project performances
Observing the Sun

Come to FIC.A and have fun learning with NUCLIO!