
STEM4CLIM8 Multiplier Event in Portugal
The “STEM4CLIM8 Conference: Hands-on educational play approaches to STEM and Climate Change” Multiplier Event was held in Cascais, Portugal, on September 29 and October 1, 2022.

NUCLIO is present at FIC.A – International Science Festival 2022
FIC.A - Festival Internacional de Ciência returned this year for another edition, which takes place between the 10th and 16th of October in a new venue, Hub-Act (Arte, Ciência & Tecnologia), futuro centro de incubação de indústrias criativas, em Porto...

I4OE Project Transnational Meeting in Portugal
The Transnational Project Meeting “Innovation for Open Ecosystems” (I4OE) took place on 26 and 27 September in Portugal. Read the full story here!

Global Hands-on Universe Conference 2022 has come to an end
Learn all about the Global Hands-On Universe Conference 2022 (#GHOU2022), which took place from August 22nd to 25th!

Rosa Doran received in South Korea the Astronomy Education Prize of the IAU
Rosa Doran, president of NUCLIO, received today, August 2, the first edition of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) Astronomy Education Prize, at the Opening Ceremony of the IAU XXXI General Assembly (IAUGA2022) in Busan, South Korea.

GHOU 2022
GHOU Conference 2022
DATES: 22-25 August 2022 – Online
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