Dates: 2-7 July 2023
Venue: Marathon, Greece

The main aim of the Summer School is to familiarise participants with the Open Schooling Approach that describes and implements at scale a process that facilitates the transformation of schools to innovative ecosystems.
The Summer School has been designed to promote the use of self-reflection tools as a vehicle to support innovation and systemic change in schools. It proposes an innovation support framework and a roadmap to schools seeking to introduce a change culture that ensures a meaningful uptake of sustainable innovation, with an emphasis on achieving improved learning outcomes as set by the Europe 2020 strategy.
A key topic are Remote Schools and how to increase access to digital education in the EU remote areas and communities that mostly need such support. We aim to present how rural schools can become hubs of learning and innovation in their communities, how they can establish effective and sustainable partnerships and how they can offer innovative learning experiences to their students. The Summer School will also discuss the conceptual model for a ‘highly equipped and connected classroom’ (HECC) and its three scenarios.
This course is organised in the framework of Learning from the Extremes project and the teacher training activities of the European School Innovation Academy.
In case your school or organization does not have the funds to cover the costs of your participation in the Summer School, there is another option: you can apply to be funded by by the ERASMUS+ Programme.
Please note that the Erasmus+ KA1 application can only be submitted by the school or the organization – no individual applications can be submitted.
The deadline for application is 23 February 2023.
All information about the course – How to apply for Erasmus+ – Registration: