📍 UPDATE: Taking into consideration the current global situation that makes traveling so expensive, ESA/GTTP 2022 will take place in ONLINE mode only!

Date: 17-21 October 2022
Venue: Online

The European Space Agency and the Galileo Teacher Training Program join hands again to bring cutting edge training opportunities to all interested teachers.

In 2022, ESA/GTTP returns with: “Space for All”, an online course.

The CESAR project located at European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC), ESA’s window to the Universe, welcomes teachers from all over the world to join us in this virtual adventure.

The program will include presentations by scientists, hands-on activities, digital tools, research activities, visits to the facility and observing sessions with telescopes at ESAC.

The training is organised by CESAR (Cooperation through Education in Science and Astronomy Research – the resident educational team at ESAC), and NUCLIO (the coordinator of the Galileo Teacher Training Program), with the support of the team from the IAC (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias), the Faulkes Telescope Project and the National Schools’ Observatory.

Participants will have opportunities to network and to establish a series of research projects in partnership with their colleagues and the scientists supporting the training. Take part in this training course!

Discover more/Register: http://galileoteachers.org/esa-gttp-2022/