The Organization

NUCLIO - Núcleo Interativo de Astronomia e Inovação em Educação

NUCLIO is a non-profit association and Non-Governmental Development Organization, created in 2001, and formed by a group of scientists, researchers, educators, and teacher trainers specialized in different scientific domains as well as in psychology of education and science education.



NUCLIO’s mission is to bring innovation and development in education to all parts of the world and to promote diversity, inclusion, and an engaging holistic education for all. We believe education is the most powerful tool we own to provide young people with the basis of a humanitarian, peaceful and respectful way of life. Since the beginning, Astronomy has been a vehicle of choice for the accomplishment of this mission.

To achieve this, we have several cross-linked areas of intervention, which include:

Teacher training

  • NUCLIO is a training entity certified by the CCPFC – the Portuguese Scientific and Pedagogical Council for Ongoing Training, offering accredited training to teachers across the country.

  • NUCLIO coordinates the Galileo Teacher Training Program (GTTP), a worldwide teacher training network born in the International Year of Astronomy (2009), and which remains a legacy of this initiative. Since 2009, the GTTP has trained more than 70,000 teachers in over 120 countries.

trained teachers


Innovation in education

Formação de professores em Portugal - trabalho de grupo.
Formação de professores no Benin.
Formação de professores nos Açores.
Formação na Ilha do Príncipe.
Evento Europlanet.
Formação de professores na Grécia.
Formação de professores na Madeira.
Formação em Portugal.

Astronomy for development

PLOAD na IAU GA 2018.
A Língua Portuguesa na Astronomia, evento online.
Observação do céu em São Tomé e Príncipe

Science Outreach

  • NUCLIO has also an important role in science outreach, with special focus on Astronomy and Astrophysics, organizing workshops, lectures, science cafes and Sun and night sky observation sessions for the general public. NUCLIO also promotes scientific research in the classroom involving students in the discovery of asteroids, the search for extrasolar planets, the fight against light pollution, among other topics. Since its first days, NUCLIO also maintains Portal do Astrónomo, a website for scientific dissemination with quality information in Portuguese.
Observação do céu noturno com telescópios, em Cascais.
Rosa Doran numa ação de divulgação do NUCLIO.
O NUCLIO nas escolas Portuguesas.

A note from our history

NUCLIO – Núcleo Interactivo de Astronomia – was founded in 2001 by a group of astronomers, astrophysicists and amateur astronomers who had the dream of changing the world through Astronomy. This dream led the team to carry out numerous Astronomy events, such us science cafes, sky observations, lectures at schools, research projects with students, teacher training, etc. This path naturally led NUCLIO to the world of Education and made us understand the power it has in building a better future for all.

It was for this reason that, in 2021, NUCLIO changed its name to NUCLIO – Núcleo Interativo de Astronomia e Inovação em Educação – in order to clarify the importance that education has gained in the activities of NUCLIO.

NUCLIO has been promoting teacher training in Portugal since 2001. In 2010, NUCLIO created its own training centre and started to offer certified training for Portuguese teachers. Since then, the entire team has joined together in the effort to do the best for education, not just in Portugal, but in a world where none of us sees borders.

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