Funded by the European Union under grant agreement no. 2021-1-SE01-KA201-078021.
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This publication only reflects the author’s view and the European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
The main objectives of the SHELFIE project are:
- To create an awareness in schools of what it takes to improve the digital ecosystem and to enable schools to succeed within the limits of each local, school environment.
- To provide schools with pertinent tools and resources to develop an effective and safe digital environment, for students to acquire meaningful and authentic knowledge and as such, enhance evolving, best practices in these areas.
- To create an interactive, Online Safety Roadmap consisting of appropriate materials incorporating school management, teachers, students and parents. This material will not be created from scratch, but instead, the project aims to categorize a large amount of resources already existing in the different countries, and organize and classify them according to three different age groups. This is because the needs of the students are very different according to different age groups when it comes to online safety.
The Shelfie project consists of a partnership between 6 organisations from 6 European countries:
- Sweden (Malmö): Municipality Educational ICT-unit (Instituição Líder)
- Ireland: Dublin West Education Centre
- Finland (Oulu): Regional Education Authority, Development Unit
- Denmark (Odense): Education Centre
- Italy (Pisa): University of Pisa
- Portugal (Lisbon): NUCLIO
To help us prepare something relevant for schools in your country, please answer these initial questionnaires:
School leaders:
More detailed information available on the project website: