This project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Agency of the European Commission.

This publication only reflects the author’s view and the European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

The Escolas Digitais project is an initiative of NUCLIO that aims to bring to Portuguese-speaking countries the process of certification and recognition of schools that are distinguished by the use of ICT as a tool for innovative teaching.

Two essential tools that are present: the “Roadmap for Digital Schools” and the “Self-Assessment Questionnaire”. Together, they allow schools to understand their current stage of evolution in this field, as well as the changes and procedures to be adopted to become Digital Schools of Distinction.

This project follows the steps of the Digital Schools of Distinction project from Ireland, which gave rise to the Digital Schools of Europe (coordinated in Portugal by NUCLIO). An important project awarded by the European Union.

More information on the project website: