Digital Schools of Europe (DSoE) was a project funded by the Erasmus+ KA2 program. Its main objective was to support schools and teachers to evaluate the use of ICT in schools. The project was based on the successful Digital Schools of Distinction program, which has run in Ireland with the support of the Ministry of Education with the main goal of validate the integrated use of ICT in the classroom.

DSoE was developed in two steps, a first phase of school self-evaluation, followed by a roadmap with suggestions for developing the missing components and skills. The idea was not to evaluate whether or not schools were well equipped, but how they used the available technology.

NUCLIO was responsible for the implementation of DSoE in Portugal and also for its international dissemination. At the national level, a collaboration was established with the General Directorate of Education, in order to make this opportunity reach as many schools as possible. At an international level the project reached the GTTP and PLOAD partners, with the necessary support for the integration of this opportunity in the systems of each country.



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