On March 20th, the day of the equinox, daylight and darkness are in perfect balance across the globe, and we are reminded of the natural harmony that exists — a harmony reflecting the principles of equality.
Held on March 20th, the Equal Day initiative brings people together worldwide to celebrate peace through astronomy. Stargazing and educational activities will shed light on the universal insights that astronomy offers carrying with it a strong message of peace.
Join Equal Day – Organize an Event

We invite you to organize an event on the 20th of March 2025 that will promote astronomy as a message of peace.
Register the event on the website: www.equalday.org
The event can hold any activity that promotes equality, peace, diversity, sustainability, and empathy through astronomy.
To be registered on the website, the event should also include at least one of the following mandatory activities:
A – Creative Photography
Design a creative photography/painting/media content during your equal day event referencing equality, peace and astronomy and post it on social media with hashtag #equalday2025 and tagging @equaldayevent
B – A message of Peace
Write a message of equality, peace, diversity, sustainability and empathy through astronomy in your native language, take a picture and post it on social media with hashtag #equalday2025 and tagging @equaldayevent (and/or send it to Equal Day through the contact form). Limited to 180 characters..
C – Zoom Meetings
Organizers of the event can participate in one of the three different Equal Day zoom meetings (check Activities on the Equal Day website) to present their event in 3 minutes.
For more details and to register your event please visit the Equal Day website: www.equalday.org/
Suggested Activities
Participate in the Eratosthenes Experiment 2025

You can participate in the Eratosthenes Experiment, a global activity to calculate Earth’s circumference using eLearning tools and simple instruments. This experiment will take place on March 20th, 2025.
Find all the information about the Eratosthenes Experiment here: https://eratosthenes.ea.gr/
Join this event on the Eratosthenes Experiment website and share with Equal Day your measurement and calculations.
Join Eratosthenes Goes Green
You can also join a variation of the Eratosthenes experiment, aimed at introducing Sustainability Citizenship.
Find out how in this activity available on the SYNAPSES Academies Portal: https://portal.synapses-academies.eu/eratosthenes-goes-green/

Equal Day encourages us to see beyond our differences and recognize our shared humanity and responsibility for our planet.