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Funded by the European Union – Grant agreement n° 2023-1-DE03-KA210-SCH-000166055.

Period: December 2023 – June 2025

Co-funded by the European Union

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Teachers and students in two schools in Portugal and Germany jointly implement Service-Learning (S-L) activities. S-L combines curricular learning and civic engagement. It requires a real need which is addressed.

EARN – Exploratory Activities to research Real Needs project, an Erasmus Plus Small-scale partnerships in school education,  aims at empowering students to jointly explore the real need of their community, to reflect upon them and to find solutions. As one of the first cross-border S-L activities in Europe, it aims at contributing to the development of the methodological concept of European S-L.

Partners: Elterninitiative Freie Montessori Schule Landau e.V. , Germany; Stiftung Lernen durch Engagement – Service-Learning in Deutschland, Germany; NUCLIO, Portugal; AEFGA – Agrupamento de Escolas Frei Gonçalo De Azevedo, Portugal.